10 things you didn’t know about Lightedge
April 26, 2017


In honor of our anniversary we thought we should share with you 10 things you probably don’t know about Lightedge…
- We have been in business since 1996! Proud to celebrate two decades of innovation in the Managed Services arena.
- Lightedge was purchased by the Anschutz Investment Company in 2008. The group also owns the Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) and Regal Entertainment Group, along with the Sprint Center, Qwest Communications and the LA Kings to name a few.
- CEO, Jim Masterson, and COO, Jeff Springborn, have both been with Lightedge for 12 years!
- The limestone mine, SubTropolis, that houses Lightedge’s Kansas City Data Center is the largest underground business complex in the world.
- SubTropolis is so well known for its safety and ideal climate that the original reels of Gone with the Wind and the Wizard of Oz are some of the items securely stowed there in the National Archives facility
- Lightedge was the first company to build a Data Center in Altoona, IA back in 2007. In recent years, companies including Facebook and Microsoft have now followed in their footsteps constructing facilities nearby.
- Lightedge was the first company to get involved with Center for Advanced Professional Studies (CAPS) programs in the Waukee school district. The company brought in speakers, provided hands-on technical projects to complete, and even hosted an entire semester out of their boardroom. Programs like these are now beginning to shape all over the country.
- Lightedge adopted a garden that employees tend to annually at the Child Development Center of Easter Seals Iowa’s Camp Sunnyside. It always enthuses the team to brighten the center for clients and families each season, while putting their green thumbs to use.
- Lightedge was featured during last year’s Cisco Live Milan keynote for our innovative use of VACS, UCS-D and Intercloud Fabric.
- The Midwest, Lightedge’s Data Centers are located, is home to some of the lowest power costs in all the country. Not to mention the minimal threat of disaster and ease of access to major interstates, or quick flights to either coast.
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