Adopt-a-Flower bed – Easter Seals Camp Sunnyside Project
July 19, 2011


Lightedge Solutions employees participated in the Easter Seals Camp Sunnyside Adopt a Flower Bed campaign. There are many flowerbeds on the grounds, which need to be adopted by groups or individuals, beautified and maintained year-to-year. Lightedge adopted the Bob & Billie Ray Child Development Center. The center was licensed in August 2002 and serves children ages 6 weeks to 5 years. They were the first in Polk County to bring together children with and without disabilities in a day care center, caring for the unique needs of each child.
Over three days, employees worked to transform the flower garden along the front of the Child Development Center, an area covering approximately 1300 square feet. First, all plants and weeds needed to be dug up and removed. Next, the ground was tilled and garden weed preventer added. Volunteers then laid the landscaping fabric, planted the flowers and trees, and shoveled eight tons of pebble rock. Finally, the stepping stones were put in place. We look forward to continuing to care for the garden for years to come!