ISO 20000 Section 9: Control Processes
July 19, 2013


What is it?
Section 9 of the ISO 20000 standards defines Configuration Management, Change Management.
The last section of the ISO 20000 standard focuses on those processes that help an IT services company ensure standards are upheld and any changes in the production environment are tracked appropriately.
What is required?
First up, is Change Management. Change Management is critical to the success of a quality IT Service Management System. This is a process many companies struggle with implementing. The reason for this is that there is often times resistance from the business and technical teams. Resistance comes from the perception that Change Management will slow down the workflow and cause an interruption in the routine. What is not considered in this case is how beneficial Change Management is in preventing incidents or problems caused by unsuccessful changes. Change Management seems daunting at first, but once implemented improves the level of service tremendously. Lightedge has been operating under a Change Management system for quite sometime. However, to fully realize the potential of a unified Service Management System, the current change process has been adapted for use with the N(i)2 system. In the coming months, Change Management will flow through the same system as we utilize for our incident and problem tracking. This will allow us to quickly correlate incidents and problems occurring due to changes made in the production environment and quickly remediate the incident to bring production services back to optimal performance levels.
The final focal point of Section 9 is Configuration Management. Again, this is an area Lightedge has been successful with in the past. We already utilize a CMDB in the form of our custom in house systems. Once again, we will be migrating this information to our unified, ITIL and ISO 20000 aligned system, N(i)2.
What does it mean to you as a client?
The advantage Lightedge will have once we are ISO 20000 accredited and have fully deployed our new Service Management System is tremendous. We will not only be able to say we are operating with the utmost professionalism and high quality standards, we will be able to provide the evidence that we are in the form of our certification.