

June 30, 2014



We are excited to announce that Lightedge has successfully passed our ISO 20000 Stage 1 audit, which entails a full documentation review. This stage ensures we have all the required policies and processes in place to meet the ISO 20000 standard. Our next step is to enter into Stage 2 of the audit at the end of July. This phase will encompass a total deep dive by conducting random employee interviews to ensure we are adhering to the processes throughout every realm of our organization.
The ISO 20000 certification is the first international standard for IT service management, and obtaining the certification is asignificant competitive differentiator in the IT services industry. The standard prescribes a comprehensive plan to develop, adopt, and operate a Service Management System by achieving evidence-based benchmarks to continuously improve the delivery of IT services. ISO 20000 aligns with the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) standards and is an effective way for Lightedge to demonstrate that they follow the plan, do, check and act methodically.

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