Kansas City IT Symposium
April 9, 2014


The 14th Annual Kansas City IT Symposium is tomorrow, April 10th! More than 200 Kansas City area technology leaders will come together for a full day of networking and education on the latest trends in IT. We are thrilled to be sponsoring this great event again, so be sure to swing by our booth to catch a sneak peek of our newest data center in Kansas City’s SubTropolis’ limestone mines before the Grand Opening. Our team will be there answering any questions and ready to chat about the exciting projects Lightedge has planned in 2014. Don’t forget to sit in on our 10:45 AM session with Christopher Campbell, Director of IT at KVC Health Systems, Inc. in the Leatherwood 2 room. Christopher will be discussing how challenging the norm and exploring managed services led KVC to greater success.
Cloud: One Size Doesn’t Fit All
Session Description: In the face of rapid expansion and change, it is only natural to want to play it safe when it comes to your IT solutions in order to avoid adding in obstacles or unknown factors. Last year, KVC was faced with this situation, but instead of staying the same, IT Director Christopher Campbell took the time to pause briefly and navigate the best course that needed to be taken. In order to meet the challenges presented to him, he realized that he was going to need to find a solution that wasn’t one size fits all and take a different approach in order to succeed. Join Christopher Campbell from KVC to hear about how consistent delivery and creative solutions to their unique needs paved the way for their successful journey to the cloud.
*Don’t have a ticket yet? There is still time to register for the event! Follow this link for additional information and to register now: https://www.kcitsymposium.com/registration/?eventid=183