
Looking back, moving forward

January 21, 2014



Looking back at 2013, it was a year full of excitement and growth at Lightedge. We added several new employees to our team over multiple Midwest locations and quadrupled our staff in the Kansas City office alone. It also marked our 17 year anniversary as a company, and more than a decade as a cloud provider. Not only did we expand our managed services portfolio with new offerings like Hosted Desktop Experience, but we also began planning for rapid growth in our data centers.
In September, Lightedge announced our plans for constructing a regional data center at the underground SubTropolis Technology Center (STC) in Kansas City, MO. We will be the anchor tenant in the first phase of STC, a mission critical data center campus owned and operated by Hunt Midwest Real Estate Development. Lightedge will open the first phase of its 60,000-square foot underground operation, built to Tier III Standards, within STC in the spring of 2014. In addition to our newest data center in Kansas City, we will also be expanding our data center in Altoona, IA, this year.
Much like in 2013, we will be partnering with our talented vendors and continuing to host educational events that benefit our current and potential customers. We’re excited to continue to share the valuable knowledge & advice that our highly-skilled team has to offer. Lightedge will continue to roll out industry-leading solutions in 2014, so be on the lookout for additional details as the year unfolds.

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