
Meet the Lightedge Healthcare Advisory Board

April 19, 2011



Earlier this year Lightedge improved its position in the Healthcare industry by creating a Healthcare Advisory Board to act as a steering mechanism for our activities related to the healthcare community.  In just a few months, Lightedge has become involved in Iowa e-health projects such as Healthcare Information Exchange, HealthNet connect, the Iowa Hospital Association, Iowa MGMA, Iowa Chapter of HIMSS and many other initiatives.  We will be continuing to expand our presence in healthcare this year as we have made substantial inroads within the markets we serve.
Peter Roberts, MHA, MHE, is an experienced executive in both health insurance and health care delivery. Peter spent 15 years as an executive at the University of Michigan Medical Center and developed a very strong network of hospital and physician leaders during that time.   Beginning in 1997, Peter spent the next 13 years as a senior executive with Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of Iowa and South Dakota, responsible for Provider Contracting/Payment, Provider-based Quality Improvement and Health Management.  In his most recent role with Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, he built an innovative and effective quality improvement and population health management system (focused on improving health and reducing the demand for unnecessary acute medical services) for a health plan in partnership with local health care providers, national best-in-class organizations, and local community organizations.  During that time, Peter spent extensive time building positive, credible professional relationships with health care providers across Iowa and South Dakota.
Peter also developed a physician-led Pay for Performance and Quality Improvement program which enrolled 60% of the primary care physicians in Iowa and South Dakota, achieving measurable improvement in quality and cost outcomes.  Finally, Peter also led the development of two separate market leading, successful, provider-owned health plans during his career.  Throughout his career, Peter has developed an extensive personal and professional network in the healthcare industry, both on a national and local (Midwest) basis.
Peter is currently active as a health care consultant, working with integrated healthcare systems,   community hospitals, medical groups, a national pharmacy benefit management company and an Iowa-based software company.  Peter provided business development leadership for the software company to provide them with the opportunity to enter the national healthcare market with high value products, using a network of personal and professional relationships, as well his  own experience, insight and credibility in healthcare.  His knowledge of healthcare and healthcare reform is extensive.  A former executive in a large academic medical center, a health maintenance organization, and a full-service Blue Cross health plan, Peter brings multiple interests and perspectives to bear on strategy, program design and execution.
Dale J. Andringa, M.D., has been a physician for more than 30 years, beginning his practice in 1979 in primary care internal medicine.   He held a number of physician leadership positions, including president of the medical staff of Iowa Methodist Medical Center and chairman of the board of clinical governors of the Iowa Health System.  During this time, he was instrumental in merging and growing his practice to more than 150 primary care physicians in more than 50 clinic sites across Iowa.
Dr. Andringa brings a perspective of practicing physician, healthcare purchaser, and healthcare insurer.  Following his private practice experience, he began a career in the insurance industry in 1985, becoming a founder of HMO Iowa and serving on its board of directors.  In 1989, he was named medical director of American Republic Insurance Company.  He subsequently joined his family’s business, Vermeer Manufacturing Company in Pella, Iowa, as its medical director and director of strategic improvement.  In this position, he managed Vermeer’s 7,000-member self-funded health plan and contributed to its occupational health and safety efforts.
Joining Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield as Chief Medical Officer in 2002, Dr. Andringa led the health management team and worked closely with employers, members, and healthcare practitioners in Iowa and South Dakota to improve Wellmark’s benefit delivery system.  He led the implementation of the Pay for Performance and Quality Improvement programs, achieving measurable results in quality and cost outcomes.  His extensive network in Iowa and South Dakota, and nationally with other BCBS medical directors, contributed to high enrollment and engagement of physicians the programs Wellmark launched.
Dr. Andringa is currently active as a healthcare consultant, working with an Iowa-based software company, medical groups, integrated health systems, and a national pharmacy benefit management company.
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