Partnering with Strength – Lightedge's relationship with Cisco
February 9, 2012


Starting with a complete refresh of our network switches in 2006, Lightedge has standardized on Cisco gear for devices related to our managed services and more recently for the UCS platforms that we base our Virtual Server infrastructure on. Over the past year, however, Lightedge has executed on a strategy to get closer with Cisco and become one of their most important partners both relates to the devices that we use in our data center and the devices that we sell through our consulting department.
Getting close has its price. We’ve hired a dedicated vendor liaison to manage our relationship with Cisco, and have been through several business audits with Cisco analysis teams. Today Lightedge is one of only 11 Cisco Cloud Providers in Infrastructure as a Service and a Cisco Premier Reseller. Clearly the results are worth the effort that we have put in as our Cisco device sales grew incredibly over 2011.
Cisco has clearly had a great year, based on their recently announced earnings. Read more about Cisco’s earnings