Ransomware Assessment Resources
August 20, 2021


Ransomware Assessment Resources
Ransomware isn’t a stranger in the cybersecurity world and because it is so lucrative, it isn’t showing any signs of leaving. It is a threat that anyone in an organization is susceptible to, making it critical to be prepared to reduce any risk of a successful ransomware attempt.
Because ransomware is only continuing to become a greater threat, it is important for an organization to have a plan in place to protect against an attack. The free tools and resources provided throughout this blog will help an organization begin to put a strong strategy together. Read on to learn how to assess your organization’s current protection and what you can do to prepare before becoming a victim of a cybersecurity threat.
Ransomware. APT41. REvil. Darkside. These are just a few of many names that organizations may hear from cybersecurity conversations and news events.
Many people don’t realize these well-known Threat Actors are members of Threat Groups that function like any other revenue-based operation. If they’re making money and meeting business goals, they will continue initiating attacks to drive profit. While the media gives these Threat Groups plenty of negative press, they often leave vulnerable businesses left wondering how to protect their organization, how to protect their staff and how to prevent from becoming the next victim.
In the ever-changing landscape of threat actors and breaches, organizations struggle to build strategies and find/decipher the thousands of resources geared to help them mitigate risk or respond to ransomware and other cybersecurity threats. Luckily, there are plenty of businesses ready to provide a wide range of tools organizations can leverage.
Trusted government agencies like the Department of Homeland Security, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the Internet Crime Compliant Center (IC3) and the FBI are constantly releasing new resources and tools that businesses can leverage to protect themselves from these Threat Actors.
Lightedge’s Cybersecurity team has sifted through and identified a number or Ransomware Assessment Resources. They have pulled together a list of quality resources businesses can leverage to assess their current cybersecurity tactics or build and implement new strategies. While there’s no magic bullet in how to approach this, an organization should lean on industry experts and experience professionals to build a layered defensive strategy.
Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity Evaluation tool: This tool provides a Ransomware Readiness Assessment that can assist an organization that is evaluating where to make improvements that correlate to Industry Best Practices.
CISA Cyber Hygiene Services: Vulnerability scans, Web Application Scans, Phishing Assessments and Remote Penetration Testing Services provide organizations with information on public vulnerabilities Threat Actors and Groups are leveraging to exploit organizations. While these services are typically reserved for Critical Infrastructure. Lightedge’s team of Cybersecurity experts can assist organizations to setup these services.
IC3 Ransomware Fact Sheet: Excellent resources to educate key stakeholders on the risks of ransomware, recommended best practices for risk mitigation and resources to help businesses confidentially connect with local FBI offices if they ever find themselves victim to a ransomware incident.
In addition to these, CISA is constantly publishing information and resources any business can leverage in areas such as:
• Identifying where there could be improvements in data back-up protection
• Maintaining a cyber incident plan
• Best Practices of RDP Access
• Patching and Vulnerability Remediation
Businesses can use these resources to build effective strategies to decrease their chance of being impacted by ransomware and before making large investments that may not be effective. Cybersecurity risk mitigation is not an easy area to manage. It is continual program of scanning, remediation, staffing, training and implementing the correct products for your organizations need.
Ransomware attacks can strike at any time, even when you think you have a strong plan in place. Lean on the experts at Lightedge Solutions to do the heavy lifting for you. Our team will help create a plan and reccomend systems that will mitigate any potential damage. Give us a call today, our experts are standing by to help you put a strategy together that will best protect your company.