
24/7 Colocation Coverage

May 13, 2022



It’s two o’clock in the morning and your server just went down.

It’s stuck in a boot loop and you can’t access it through a remote desktop.

You have two options:

  1. You can get up, put on pants, drive down to your office, access the server room, then locate the device in question, then hold the power button for ten seconds before waiting thirty seconds to press it once more so you can lock up, drive home, take off your pants and climb back into bed for 3 hours before you have to get up and get ready to go back to the office…
  2. Or, with just one email or phone call, you can have a friendly and highly-skilled Lightedge technician push your buttons for you.

Need a power cycle? We got you covered. Drive unreachable? We’ll reset it for you. Need a new DIMM in your R640? We’ll pop it open and swap in a new one for you in the dead of night or at the crack of dawn.

Any time of day or night, whether you’re in Kentucky or Katmandu, we’ll be here to provide the hands-on support that all businesses need to maintain maximum uptime and keep customers happy.

We’re here all day, every day, so that you don’t have to be.