
Lightedge Completes SSAE 16 Colocation and Managed Services Examination

January 22, 2013



Anschutz-owned Cloud Computing company has successfully passed a Type 2 SSAE 16
examination for its Data Centers

DES MOINES, IA – January 22, 2013 – Lightedge Solutions is pleased to announce that it has successfully completed its annual data center process examination for the review period spanning December 1, 2011 to November 30, 2012. The Type 2 SSAE 16 independent examination and the subsequent reporting document was completed by BrightLine CPAs & Associates, Inc. and verifies that Lightedge Solutions’ data centers are being managed in accordance with the service provider controls and processes.
SSAE No. 16, also known as a Service Organization Control (SOC 1) report, regards internal controls on the services provided by an organization offering valuable information customers need in order to assess and address any risks associated with the outsourced services they’re receiving.
The SAS-70 audit standard was surpassed by the SSAE No. 16 in mid-2011. These improvements ensure that US companies are able to compete on an international level by matching reporting regulations worldwide. Completing the SSAE 16 helps to ensure that customers can trust the honesty and integrity of their service provider.
“I’m pleased that once again we were able to perform an audit against our controls and systems that showed no exceptions,” said Travis Thompson, chief security officer for Lightedge Solutions. “The SSAE-16 examination is always a critical benchmark for us, as it allows our customers to feel secure that our processes have been validated by a trusted third party.”
These exams are conducted by an independent, licensed CPA firm to ensure the highest levels of quality and accuracy for our clients. Lightedge has completed control and process examinations since 2008, and we will continue to make it a priority due to the amount of high-sensitivity data many of our customers in the banking, healthcare and legal services industries handle on a daily basis, just to name a few.
For additional details please contact Lightedge Sales at 877-771-3343, e-mail or visit
About Lightedge Solutions
Lightedge Solutions is a customer-centric cloud computing and consulting company devoted to solving the IT issues of businesses nationwide. By utilizing our economies of scale, connections with world-class vendors and our own internal passion for engineering, Lightedge allows its customers to “plug in” to enterprise-grade IT solutions that maximize uptime and performance, yet fit into their budget. For more information, visit

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